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17-19:00 Casa Kuà

Trans Fem Meet-ups Gendercritical: Anti-trans as far right tool for mobilization

The course of the German Self-determination Act took a really bad turn, after being compromised by gendercritical lines. This lead to severe concessions that are completely contradictory to any attempts of ensuring actual self-determination.
Mine will give an overview on how that could happen and how transphobia and transmisogyny are connected to broader global developments and far right networks. After that, we’ll get together to discuss ways of organizing as a community in the wake of these current political developments.

Mine Pleasure Bouvar [she*/they] did a scholarship in Cultural Studies in Hildesheim. Currently she* is freelancing as political educator (or agitator, depending on the situation) focusing on comparative fascism studies, transmisia and transmisogyny. As a queer-communist activist, they are active in connecting grassroots to undermine the cistem.

This event is for folks who identify as transfemmes* (transsexuals, trans women, enbys, transvestites, hormonal faggots, trannies, Gender Non Conforming femmes).

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