Reversing the cis-male gaze
Rauchfrei, Kein Strobolicht, Awarenessteam
FLINTA* only
Let's reverse the cis-male gaze collectively! How is femininity and masculinity being presented? During the workshop we will reproduce this artistic pieces from our perspective, creating a FLINTA* feminist gaze.
Bis 27
The FLINTA* workshop “Reversing the cis-male gaze” will take place on Wednesday 26.06.24, between 6-9pm at the Jugendzentrum @fipp -Nische & FreiRaum, Mahlerstr. 4 HH/6 13088 Berlin-Weißensee. In a playfull setting, we will give space to understanding what constitutes the cis-male gaze and how we can dismantle it. Using examples of well-known art, (paintings, film, images, dramatic text) we will explore the cis-male gaze. Participation is free, just make sure you register at []( "") Priority will be given to migrant/BIPoC FLINTA* folks under 27 years old. A project funded by Demokratie Leben Pankow. The workshop will be mainly held in English. Facilitators speak German and Greek too. Looking forward to seeing you there!