“Keep me safe(r)”
Rauchfrei, Kein Strobolicht
FLINTA* only
Let's keep ourselves and each other safe(r). What makes each of us feel safe? How can we contribute collectively and individually to the creation and maintenance of safe(r) spaces? How is privilege relating to such processes? Let’s discover together!
Bis 27
The FLINTA* workshop “Keep me safe(r)” will take place on Wednesday 19.06.24, between 6-9pm at the Jugendzentrum Fipp nische und Freiraum , Mahlerstr. 4 HH/6 13088 Berlin-Weißensee. A safe(r) space is a supportive, non-threatening physical and emotional environment, in which all participants feel free to express themselves and share experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination. The term safe(r) indicates that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions. The need to establish and maintain safe(r) spaces is often overlooked or underestimated. In a reflective setting, we will give space to ourselves to understand what makes us feel safer and built empathy on the needs of others. Participation is free, just make sure you register at info@interfem.org