Social potluck & pub quiz
Donation based potluck and social gathering, and our first friday of the month PUB QUIZ! Prize for the winner or winning team!
This Friday join us for our semi-usual potluck and social gathering and this week, our first Friday of the month quiz!
We’ll have cold drinks (beer, wine and non-alcoholics) for a symbolic donation based fee, also feel free to bring a dish or snack to share and join the potluck fun upstairs!
Quiz time begins downstairs at 21:30 with quiz maniac Kiki. Solo and team players welcome, or drop by early and find fellow quizzers and build a team! Participation by donation (2€+), and there will be a prize for the winner(s)!
Please note: the quiz has been filling up, and we’re running out of spaces! PLEASE come a little early to make sure you get a spot!
See you on Friday at the shop!