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15-22:00 Tempelhofer Feld

Queer Girls* Night Rave

Rave auf dem Tempelhoferfeld für Queere Girls* (auch Inter, Nicht-Binäre, Trans und FLINTA*-Allys)

„Hello rave friends!
As announced, we will have our 2nd rave this Saturday at Tempelhofer Feld. @sleeptwitch_ and @inavietha from the lovely @crush.kollektiv will be providing us with groovy tunes to dance to! Make sure to come early, so we have plenty of time together (the park is also closing ealier then last time) 🧚‍♀️

We will have a small bar with several drink options for donations. Nevertheless, feel free to to bring drinks, blankets, games and everything else you need to have fun 🐬

Don’t forget to take everything back home as well – we want to keep the space as clean as possible. We are all responsible for the people and environment around us 💓

Our events are FLINTA* safe(r) spaces. No Homophobia. No Violence. No Sexism. No Racism.“

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